6:30pm AEST
Increase your clarity of mind by applying powerful, science-based questions to balance your disempowering, imbalanced perceptions of people and behaviours.
Learn the process that can dissolve grief in a few hours rather than take a few months or years!
We all have a sense of loss at times that causes grief in our system.
Never waste energy stuck in grief over a loss ever again!
Venue: The comfort of your own home via ZOOM.
šÆTo attend this workshop, you must do the Demartini MethodĀ® for dissolving GRIEF on someone or something you perceive was valuable that you now miss in your life!
Empower yourself today with the knowledge and tools that will help you accelerate your achievement in all areas of your life ... for the rest of your life! YOU are the only person who gets up in the morning and dedicates their life to getting what you want, so when is now the perfect time to invest in yourself and master your emotions to accelerate achievement in all areas of your life?
Dr John Demartini has dedicated his professional life to transforming psychology into a science that anyone who is dedicated to personal development can learn and apply in their lives whenever strong emotions are overwhelming and distracting.
And the best thing is ... you can learn to master the tool and use it for the rest of your life to help yourself and others you care about.
It is absolutely certain that the Demartini MethodĀ® works if you work it!
Are you dedicated to living your Optimum Life and being able to make a difference?
If you answer is "yes", this workshop is definitely for you!
Get the emotional blocks and pity parties out of the way. Take your life, achievement and relationships to a new level of fulfillment and master your destiny!
To be an inspiring and successful leader of others, you must first master self-leadership!
Optimum Thinking
Helene has been studying teaching, learning and coaching methodologies her whole career, and Dr Demartini's work since 2009.
That was when she decided to dedicate her professional career to helping others learn the most empowering knowledge and skills she could find on the planet. Helene perceives this work to be the missing part of the curriculum we all should have learnt at school!
If you would like to know more about her qualifications,
Thank you for connecting!
If you have found this page, chances are we have already connected somewhere through either you completing a coaching program or workshop with me, or we have met through one of Dr Demartini's courses.
I have learned that grief is created as a reaction to many different situations in life. In my experience, you grieve when you lose people or relationships you value highly. For me personally, these instances have included:
<> divorce after a 19-year marriage (missed my husband and lost my sense of who I was for a couple of years),
<> deaths of loved ones
<> resigning from a leadership position in a college I had committed almost a decade of my career to (I didn't realize until later that I was missing colleagues and grieving my professional identity),
<> and loss of a business including losing a large sum of money.
I sooooo wish I had learnt the Demartini MethodĀ® for dissolving grief decades ago!!!!
There is no hard sell on this page.
Attending a Demartini MethodĀ® workshop is only for people who want to do the work required to master their lives. If you know it is worth the investment to improve your knowledge and skills and remind yourself of the power of dissolving old, stuck emotional stuff, then this workshop is for you!
The number of participants for the workshop is limited to approximately 10 as I want to ensure you have a high-quality learning experience.
It's inspiring to have the opportunity to work with you!
With gratitude and love,
Optimum Thinking presents
Grief to Gratitude using The Demartini MethodĀ®
Join us and learn with like-minded individuals who are inspired to take their lives to the next level!
What's Included
Learn how to use the Demartini MethodĀ® to dissolve any form of grief you have experienced in the past or are currently experiencing.
A workbook and templates (emailed to you to print in advance of the workshop).
Wednesday 2 April 2025 6:30 pm to 10:00 pm (AEST) online (zoom) workshop
Enjoy a 10% discount off the price when you refresh the course with Optimum Thinking anytime in 2024 or 2025
If you would like to watch the full explanation of this life changing method, watch the genius who invented the method explain it to you ...
As this is the first time I have presented this workshop, I have included some testimonials below so you can read what coaching clients have shared about the Demartini MethodĀ® process for dissolving grief.
Helene Kempe conducted a session with me on grief. At the time I was grieving for the loss of my Mother who had passed away almost 2 years previously. She was the last of 6 family members to die in a 2-year period and I had totally lost the plot. After a 3.5-hour session with Helene I slept for about 12 hours and from then had a more selfless perspective on death. I was able to find value in my life here and not pine for those who had passed on. I am forever grateful to Helene for teaching me this process.
Claire C
Head of Department - Music
Hi Helene. Was great to give thanks to dad for the life lessons and the up bringing he gave me as a kid. Have been feeling a lot more at peace about his passing and seeing that people have filled his role if my life and kidsā life is amazing!
Thanks again!!
Scott B
Head of Department - Music
I cannot express enough gratitude for Helene Kempe and her extraordinary coaching during one of the most challenging periods of my life. Losing both of my parents felt like an insurmountable burden, and I genuinely believed the grief would cripple me forever.
However, Heleneās compassionate and insightful guidance helped me navigate through this heavy time.
Through our sessions, Helene created a safe and understanding environment where I felt comfortable sharing my deepest pain and fears. She listened and provided tailored strategies that were both practical and profoundly healing. Through her coaching, I learned to honour my grief without letting it overwhelm me.
Helene equipped me with invaluable tools to manage my emotions and regain a sense of normalcy in my daily life. Her techniques allowed me to process my pain in a healthy and balanced manner, enabling me to move forward without feeling guilty or rushed.
I found myself becoming more resilient and capable of handling professional challenges with renewed confidence.
Thank you, Helene, for helping me find the strength to move forward.
With gratitude
Tinka C
Head of Department - Music Change Management Consultant
The unnaturally early loss of my Mum affected all aspects of my life. Despite the passing of time, five years at the time of writing, this event played and controlled my thinking and ongoing reaction to life.
I was extremely close to my Mum and drew on her experiences to form my outlook on life. My ability to stop and work through the grieving process has been limited. Consequently, I failed to understand the depth of the ongoing feelings, having idolized my Mum. I was not equipped to deal with her passing. During the first session, with Helene, we revealed that the omission in not taking time to process grief was inhibiting my ability to grow in any and all aspects of a healthy life. We scheduled a session dedicated to processing my grief to balance my underpinning perceptions. This focused session allowed me to logically and systematically, given Iām an Engineer, work through the required thinking.Helene patiently walked and guided me through helping to balance my thoughts and views.Through the coaching with Helene, I have a better understanding and growing gratitude for time shared with my Mum, and even feel that the timing of her loss now provides space for me to grow and develop. Helene has remained present, patient, kind and respectful and has left me feeling energized for life activities and challenges to come. I feel more at peace.
Kind regards,
Sophie B
Chemical Engineer
You are your most valuable asset -
Invest in Yourself!
If you are prepared to take action and commit to investing in yourself - this offer is for you.
Your Investment - $175.00 - Act NOW!
Please don't hesitate to contact us if you would like more information. Email us at [email protected] or head to our website at: www.optimumthinking.net. Alternatively call or WhatsApp Helene on +61417 743 367.
Frequently Asked Questions
What does my investment give me?
Once you have enrolled, approximately a week prior to the workshop, you will receive an email with the downloadable workbook and worksheets.
How will my course be delivered?
This workshop is a live interactive online workshop.
What about food?
Feel free to have snacks or food. Remember to drink water and have light snacks to keep your brain working at its best!
šÆ We would love you to stay part of the Optimum Thinking tribe so please connect via social media and our eNewsletter group!